Feeders and teats for lamb Canada

Take a look at our remarkable selection of lamb feeders and teats, milk buckets, buckets with teats, bottles and teats from Stallion, Peach Teats, Tetiblue, and more, at competitive prices. Buy online and get fast shipping everywhere in Canada.

During lambing, it can happen that for one reason or another, the ewe abandons its newborn, so the latter does not have all the necessary nurishment to start its new life properly and this can cause serious health problems. Ukal Canada offers you the opportunity to feed your lambs from the very first hours of their lives with top quality feeders and teats adapted to their needs.

We offer lamb feeders (bottles and buckets) and teats from well-known brands (Stallion, Peach Teats, Tetiblue), available in different sizes. Designed to be durable, safe and practical, all feeders, buckets, bottles and lamb teats are washable and easy to use.

Any questions?

If you would like to know more about our lamb feeders and teats, our prices, and our services, do not hesitate to contact us by email or by phone. Our team will welcome you and will be happy to answer all your questions. Buy your lamb feeders and teats online and get quick shipping everywhere in Canada.